THT-EX Undersea Exploration Light passes depth 380-meter pressure test !!

For the purpose of checking quality limit, THT-EX has once again requested Undersea Research Institute of a famous Taiwnese universtiy to do the pressure-resistance test for our Undersea Exploration light. The tested sample model was L1105 and  its' picture is as below.

Same as last time, the researchers drived their research vessel to the middle of ocean and used a carrier to  send the undersea video camera, deepth recorder and a undersea light to check the test status of our Undersea Exploration Light while it decsends to the depth of 380-meters.

Afther the field test, our light shows no damage  on either its' apperance or function, which means that it has excellent quality and function to provide a steadiy lighitng for the undersea working environment!!



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